Friday, May 3, 2019

Let's talk about fridge meat!

Have you heard about the gospel of sous vide? I am here to share with you how if you have trouble eating out due to food allergies, you need sous vide in your life!

What is it? It is a precise method of cooking where you vacuum seal your chosen protein,  veggie, grains  beans, and you cook it in a water bath that is temperature controlled with an Immersion Circulator. You can cook at very low temperatures and pasteurize the food to where it will be fresh and yummy in a fridge under 38° F for 30 days, and under 36° F for 90 days. This is where fridge meat comes into play, AND  this is where you can safely eat rare burgers and poultry at 145° F (lower if you want) with no worries about e.coli or salmonella. 

The reason this is a game changer for us food allergy sufferers is because when you want to eat  you can grab something and go then reheat how you like. Slaving over a stove when you're rushed for time or not feeling well is a thing of the past. This is your own fast food  but safe! 

If you want to know more about this, just leave a comment and I'll be happy to answer your questions! 

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